While our buying power allows us to offer great pricing it is important that buyers understand we are not a retail store. Our Return and Warranty policies are very specific and necessary simply because of the volume of inventory flowing through our warehouse on a daily basis.
We include a 30 day WARRANTY on all of our products unless otherwise listed. The Warranty applies to hardware and software defects ONLY -
Before you make a purchase we want to make you aware of everything you need to know. If you have any questions please read the company information provided or contact us.
PLEASE NOTE: We may not include stock images of our products unless otherwise stated. Because we usually have Hundreds of FULLY TESTED phones of the same condition and quality. We have not identified the exact phone you will receive prior to your purchase. You can however purchase with confidence that the phone you receive will meet with the Quality & Condition Rating specified. All of our product on this website is sold in two categories, A grade and AB grade unless we have stated the condition of the product.
While returns are not a common occurrence at CELL PHONE ATTIC we understand things do happen. To make sure that your return order is processed in a timely and effective manner please review our Return Policy.
Making a Return:
- Please contact us if you need to return a product.
- All sales are FINAL unless the product is DEFECTIVE. (Explained in more detail below). Defective items can be returned at NO COST to the buyer.
- Returns must be authorized PRIOR to shipment back to us. We prefer that returns are processed using our “RMA” return system.
- CELL PHONE ATTIC will issue an RMA number for your return. Returns will NOT be accepted unless an RMA number has been issued.
- You must include a short note stating what is wrong with the phone and what you would like to do with it. Return or Exchange it. With our volume this protects you and helps ensure a quick turnaround.
- Items MUST be returned in same condition as received and include ALL the accessories that were sent and in the box it was sent. Please note if the product is not sent the way you received it we will not be able to return.
- Please write the RMA number on the outside of the return box.
- You MUST contact us WITH IN 30 Day Warranty (if applicable) expires.
Reasons for which CELL PHONE ATTIC does NOT accept returns.
We DO NOT accept returns in these cases:
- The buyer does not like the color, form, shape, etc. We have a wide variety of phones to choose from often in different colors so please choose your selection carefully.
- Physical abuse, and/or liquid damage. This damage voids ALL Warranties.
- Exchanges will be provided based on availability of merchandise. Usually inventory is not a problem but we must reserve the right to substitute a refund in lieu of exchange if a suitable replacement is not available.